Advertising techniques: attractive solutions to attract customers

تکنیک های تبلیغات

Your success in the past will not make you successful in the future. Leo Platt In today’s world, advertising techniques have become one of the most important and effective communication tools. With increasing competition in global markets and rapid changes in technology, companies must look for innovative and attractive ways to attract audiences. Successful advertising […]

Difference between user interface and user experience

تفاوت‌ UI و UX

Probably, if you have thought about designing a website or application professionally, you have heard words like UI and UX. These words mean user interface design and user experience. Designing UI and design UX, each of which has different meanings. UX is abbreviated as User Experience Design and in the concept it means the experience […]

Copywriting and sales golden tips

Copywriting isn’t just writing words together in the hope that they will do something. Copywriting is a strategy and structure. You are right in the world where words have a lot of value… The words you choose depend largely on the motivation and emotion you want to convey to your audience. But there are always […]