In the new version of the plan to facilitate the issuance of some business licenses, in addition to removing the capacity from the bar exam, the passing percentage in the bar exam has been set at 70%, the top one percent of the exam. According to some media reports, a new version of the plan to facilitate the issuance of some business licenses has arrived, which has significant differences with the initial text. The generalities of the plan to facilitate the issuance of some business licenses, which in its articles 3 and 4 deal with the way to enter the legal profession and not needing to use a lawyer in companies and economic enterprises, were approved by the relevant commission.
Rahim Zare (spokesman of the special commission for the jump and growth of production and monitoring the implementation of Article 44 of the Constitution), regarding today’s meeting of this special commission in the Islamic Council regarding facilitating business and issuing licenses, said: In today’s meeting of the commission, we discussed the plan to facilitate the issuance of some business licenses, and its general aspects were approved.
She continued: By approving the details of this plan, the start of businesses that do not directly pose security, environmental or life risks will not need to go through licensing procedures, and only the business owner should register the relevant information in the national portal for business licenses. Based on this and with the approval of this plan, golden signatures and administrative bureaucracy will be removed from the licensing process.
It should be noted that in Article 3 of the aforementioned plan, while announcing the cancellation of Note 1 of Article 1 of the Law on the Quality of Obtaining Attorney’s License, it is stated about the method of recruiting attorneys:
The mechanism of the note of Article 1 of the Law on the Quality of Obtaining a Attorney’s License and Article 5 of the Law on Notary Public Offices and the Association of Notaries and Clerks, is an annual nationwide exam for granting these two licenses in such a way that any candidate who scores 60% of the average score of 1% of the population has the highest score. can obtain a license. This quorum will be 50% for those subject to Clause C, Article 88 of the Law of the Sixth Plan.
Also, in Article 4 of this plan, it is stated about the legal representative of private enterprises and companies:
All private legal entities including institutions, companies, firms and private banks can introduce one or more of their employees as legal representatives to the judicial system in addition to lawyers or lawyers, official experts and family advisors.
Also, in the continuation of Article 4, a new task for lawyers’ associations in the training of new legal representatives (who can be selected for this position without legal education) is mentioned:
Associations of lawyers, official experts and family advisors are required to grant the legal representative license to the participants after a specialized training period (up to 3 months).
The Legal Vice-Chancellor of the Judiciary, in cooperation with the Center of Lawyers, Official Experts and Family Counselors and Bar Associations, is required to compile and notify the bylaws of the specialized training course within 2 months of the approval of this law.
Participation in the specialized training course does not require an exam and only requires the presentation of a letter of introduction from the corresponding private legal entity and no criminal record.
It should be mentioned that with the general approval of this plan in the said commission, the member representatives in this commission will review the materials of the plan. After the approval of the details of the plan in the special commission for economic growth and the social commission, this plan will be sent to the public floor of the parliament for approval and becoming a law.