Hashtag tricks on Instagram (post and story)


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Hashtag tricks on Instagram (post and story)

Instagram is one of the popular social networks that has many users and its posts support hashtagging. Hash-tag on Instagram (instagram hash-tag) is one of the most used and very practical features that you must first familiarize yourself with in order to take advantage of this feature and do so by observing the principles and rules related to it. In the continuation of this article, we will get to know some of the most important techniques and principles of this work…

What is an Instagram hashtag?

In today’s world and virtual space, hashtags are very powerful and practical tools that will increase the number of visits to Instagram stories and posts and find better results for searches. In fact, hashtags are a kind of label to determine the category of produced content. In other words, hashtag is a way to classify and group similar content together. This can be seen in many social networks and helps users to see better results. Hashtags are usually seen with a # sign, and clicking on them will take you to the page of posts related to that topic.

Because the coverage of Instagram in Farsi language is not advanced yet, you must have noticed that they use the sign (_) to create a space between words. In fact, by doing this, Instagram understands how many single words they have. This is not a problem in English and you can easily connect words together.

Types of hash-tags

  • Hash-tag Explanation: There are tags that are created in order to classify the content or express the mood related to that post.
  • Hash-tag Branding: After creating each post to introduce their brand, they use the name of their business in each post, which will make the brand visible and familiar with the business. This type of hashtagging is not only for the brand name, but it can also be the name of a person, the name of a specific product, etc. This type of hash-tagging has fewer errors and displays more accurate information to users. You can use special tools to get accurate statistics about the popularity of your brand and your business in cyberspace, or ask your audience what kind of tags to use in their posts.
  • Hash-tag campaign (long-term): these types of tags are used for a short period of time and are used at the start of special competitions or occasions and events. This type of hashtagging on Instagram is not for the purpose of creating branding and business introduction, and they are placed publicly. All the tags that you use in order to increase content visits and to attract users and not for branding are considered public hashtags and have no effect on introducing your brand and business.

The correct way of hash-tagging

Hashtag on Instagram has its own rules and principles, like all different social networks, which must be followed for better results. If we do not pay attention to this issue, we will witness the ineffectiveness of this action and waste of time and energy. Sometimes it may even hurt you financially by paying a fee. In general, try to pay attention to the following:

  • Try to create categories for your content and use it in the form of hash-tags.
  • Combine tags that are widely used and popular with other tags.
  • During important events and happenings, in addition to normal hashtagging, use hashtags related to these events.
  • Avoid overdoing it. (In this case, your posts may be recognized as spam and not displayed to users.)
  • Do not use other people’s trending hashtags. (Using other people’s trending hashtags is considered hijacking.)
  • Do not use any word in your hashtags and have a regular goal.
  • The tags you create should be as short and to the point as possible.

In the rest of the article, some techniques for hash-tagging on Instagram have been introduced. We have stated these hashtagging techniques on Instagram in the form of headlines, following which you can produce optimal and standard tags:

  • Use specific words
  • Do not use irrelevant hashtags
  • Using conceptual hashtags
  • Hash-tag in user-name
  • The sticker fits the subject of the photo
  • Determining hashtags based on location
  • Hash-tag for the technique of taking pictures

last word

Finally, pay attention to the fact that you will need patience and continuous effort to increase your credibility in the market and to familiarize yourself with your brand in the virtual space. To get better and faster results, you should be able to use special tools to have statistics about your activities and use them to determine the path and improve performance. You can take advantage of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and try to use them in your way of working. Note that although hashtagging is effective in increasing visits, it is not effective alone and you should try to prepare appropriate and user-friendly content.