There are few professional and successful businesses that do not have a professional and strong marketer. Having a professional marketer is one of the influential factors in the success of many businesses and has a great impact on sales. The existence of these people can be very effective even in minor and small cases and it can be said that it is one of the special techniques of professional sales. In fact, to become a professional in this field, not only theoretical knowledge is considered, but experience and having appropriate skills are considered as other requirements for this. In the rest of this article, we will examine a few characteristics of a professional marketer.
In order to improve this preparation, it is necessary for people to know themselves and know their strengths and weaknesses in order to engineer success and engineering failure. All marketers and activists in this field know that in order to progress, they must feel good about themselves and their work and be interested in themselves, otherwise, they cannot love others, including the customer. One of the characteristics of a successful marketer is that they are passionate about themselves, their customers, and their organization. They also believe in themselves and consciously try to improve their self-confidence and self-esteem.
A professional marketer and seller needs to have a healthy and strong body to be successful and present in the market. Considering this issue, a professional marketer always takes care of herself and does not stop exercising, she always cares about her nutrition and works for her health.
A professional marketer always spends a special time learning the products and their features before starting a professional job in a certain organization and company or a certain person, so that they can give accurate answers to the customer’s detailed and detailed questions. their own way as one Show the outstanding sales engineer to the customer.
One of the characteristics of a professional marketer is that they know exactly that the target market of a product may be different from another product; According to this issue, all customers and marketers identify themselves according to their culture and religion, economic power and other features and characteristics. They know that it is necessary to prepare themselves to deal with them by knowing the market and customers and not waiting for their customers to change.
Professional marketers and salespeople know that customers must be their own buyers before buying a product. If the customer cannot establish a good feeling between himself and the marketer, he will definitely not become his customer and will not be given an opportunity to show the features and benefits; This is the reason why nowadays the external type and internal type have become very important in order to influence the customer.
Giving proper advice to the customer instead of emphasizing the purchase is one of the most important characteristics of a professional marketer. That salespeople can advise the customer on what choice to make and which choice is correct. Professional marketers and sellers are well familiar with this issue and try to do it in the best way, she knows the principles of consulting and gives information to the customer with full knowledge of the market.
A professional marketer is always very interested in learning and studying and tries to constantly keep her information up to date and stay abreast of science and technology. They are very interested in reading books and taking training courses. Professional marketers and sellers are always learning and training and use their abilities and knowledge in practice, and in this way, they continuously improve their level of knowledge and learning and remove old knowledge that is no longer useful. They make their minds outside. Elvin Toffler, the author of the books “Third Wave”, “Future Shock” and “Clash of Civilizations” says: The illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read and write, but rather those who cannot learn to discard old learning, and learn again.
A successful and professional marketer should always be familiar with different sales and market presence techniques and know where and when to use them. Professional marketers usually spend time learning these skills and can use different techniques in negotiations, sales, and advertising when necessary.
Professional marketers and salespeople with experience are highly accurate in their work and analyze their competitors and colleagues and always learn new things even from their competitors. They are not imitators, but they learn from everyone and every organization their distinctive point and strengthen the insight of conscious modeling in themselves.
Every success requires its own special conditions, along with the constant principles. Marketers and salespeople have an ad hoc attitude, they enhance their skills. But they also understand the situation and time well and then take the best action. Continuity in improving skills gives the necessary preparation to face situations and crises.